Project: Hershey 2022 Template
Deliverable Format: PowerPoint
Client: Hershey 
Hershey partnered with CBX, a New York City-based agency, to refresh its visual identity system (VIS), incorporating a vibrant color palette, retro-inspired fonts, and a strong consumer focus. While this new look was successful in branding, the challenge arose when Hershey tried to apply the same visual identity to their internal town hall presentations and external events, ensuring that the design reflected their brand while remaining functional for corporate settings.

I translated Hershey’s new visual identity system into an engaging, professional format for key internal and external presentations, including the critical CAGNY 2020 presentation to investors and analysts. My goal was to enhance the look and feel of the slides through animations, new assets, and dynamic layouts while ensuring that the complex information presented remained clear, concise, and on-brand.

Partnering closely with Hershey’s Director of Corporate Communications, I transformed their PowerPoint template to align with the new visual identity system. I used product silhouettes creatively to create patterns and focal points, integrating them into cover and agenda slides as visual stages for product and consumer imagery. I introduced subtle animations to bring the content to life while maintaining professionalism. The rich color palette allowed me to design full-bleed, flat backgrounds that made products, icons, and charts pop. I kept charts and data visualizations simple and consistent, given their importance in investor presentations.

The new PowerPoint template was widely acclaimed throughout Hershey’s corporate communications team and beyond. It provided a fresh and exciting way to present content while maintaining clarity and professionalism. During the CAGNY 2020 presentation, the refreshed visual identity system helped Hershey deliver a compelling presentation, which played a role in contributing to the company’s stock price increase following the event.
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